Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! – Psalm 34:8 (ESV) Biblical faith is never blind. God does not ask us to trust Him with no evidence. He has revealed enough about Himself through what He has created for anyone willing to use his own mind to see. Scepticism puts up blinders, but honest and diligent inquiry takes them down. For those of us who do trust in God, He reveals Himself, especially His goodness, even more. Much of this comes about by seeing Him answer our prayers. I have seen plenty of answers to prayer, more than enough to convince me that not only does God exist, but …Continue reading →
Introduction What is the purpose of this document? This document serves to collect various scripture references useful in explaining the reasons for the historic Christian faith to non-believers and new believers. What is included in this document? The first part contains scripture references pertaining to specific essential doctrines. It follows the order of the Beatty Community Church statement of faith. Each section begins with a quote from our statement of faith. The rest of the document includes other scripture references on topics useful in the field of apologetics, such as faith and fulfilled prophecies. Not all doctrinal areas are covered. Some may be added later on. Scripture reference links are provided by Bible Gateway and will open in a separate …Continue reading →
Many well-meaning believers, in an attempt to “prove” the truth of Christianity, will make use of what I call “Christian folklore”. This is second-hand evidence that usually either disproves evolution, or proves creation. The problem is that upon investigation, the evidence evaporates – it is found to be non-existant. While bad evidence doesn’t disprove the truth, it sure does seem that way to the sceptic. False evidence usually does more harm than good. An example: Many Christians (and even some non-Christians) believe men have one less rib than women, because God took a rib from Adam to make Eve. But this is not true. Men have the same number of ribs as women. Just because God took a rib from …Continue reading →