Andrew Bernhardt

Mammoth Maze 5

Click in numbered sections to view in more detail.

This is my largest and most complicated maze. It took me 5 months to draw in 1981: from April 27 to September 25. The original is 33″ wide by 89.625″ long, drawn in ink and colored pencil on a roll of plain white paper. The paper and ink deteriorated somewhat over time, so I scanned it in to my computer, enhanced it, and made some changes to make it more difficult.

In association with Zazzle.comTo buy a full-size, full-color copy of this maze, click on the image to the right. Note that only the huge and colossal sizes are ‘do-able’!

Click here for the official rules for doing this maze.

NEW! You can also download a black and white version of this maze here, but note that the maze is very large (62.55 megapixels uncompressed), so older computers may have a problem viewing it. Right-click on either link and select ‘Save target as…’:

mm5bw.tif – 7.45Mb, 4816×12988 pixels, 1bpp

mm5bw.bmp – 7.48Mb, 4816×12988 pixels, 1bpp

If you are wondering what happened to the other four Mammoth Mazes, only two of those were ever completed, and I don’t have them any more. This one, however, is my last, largest and most complicated Mammoth Maze.

Even though the image to the left is black and white, the enhanced version of the maze is in f ull co lo r. Click on the numbers below to see close-ups of portions of the full-color maze.


I call this area “The Cube”, for obvious reasons. What can I say? Rubik’s Cube was popular at the time.


This area is part of “The Whirl”.


This portion is at the full pixel resolution of the maze, to show you the detail.


This is a close-up of the Start and Finish areas. They may be right next to each other, but the path from Start to Finish is quite long.


This is what the lower 2 feet of the maze looks like.


Mammoth-Maze-5 — 16 Comments

  1. Andrew, can you upload the B&W MM5 again? I am getting a message stating the file can not be found when i try to download it.

  2. I’m drawing an absolutely massive maze at the moment – done 4 A4 pages already and its going to be bigger than mammoth maze 5 but yours is amazing and i love it !

  3. I’m drawing an absolutely massive maze at the moment – done 4 A4 pages already and its going to be bigger than mammoth maze 5 but yours is amazing and i love it !

  4. I am so happy to find others that have this hobby/talent. I been drawing mazes for over 20 years. Great to see others with same interest!! Good job guys.

  5. This is a great maze! Question – do you have any plans to make the color version available… as a free download, or for sale… or as a full print poster? Curious… as I think this is fantastic!

  6. Here’s some more miscellaneous information about this maze:

    Scattered throughout Mammoth Maze 5 are various features, some obvious, others less so. If you look closely, you can see a dinosaur, the word “MAZES”, and my initials “ARB’.

    There are also 5 submazes within the main maze. These are highlighted with a darker outline around them. One is the “Cube”, and the others are irregularly shaped. It is easy to enter a submaze, but hard to exit. One of the submazes is impossible to get out of unless you entered the submaze on the correct path and don’t make any wrong turns.

    There is also a small star close to the left edge near the Start/Finish. This star is next to the solution path. There is more than one way to get to this point, but from the star on, you have to make only correct turns to get to the finish.

  7. Here’s some random statistics:

    There are 1186 Arrows
    There are 3134 Tunnels
    There are 3504 Bridges (path over a tunnel)
    There are 201 Dead ends
    The length of the shortest solution, as a chess piece moves over the pixel grid, is about 123592 steps.

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