Just published: Fifty-Five Questions for Skeptics

I have just published my third book at Amazon.com. It’s called Fifty-Five Questions for Skeptics, and it was written for atheists and agnostics who don’t believe in the God of the Bible or the reliability of the Bible, and who distrust anything a Christian would say to them.
Most apologetic books that reach out to skeptics present a lot of good evidence for God, but much of the information fed to the reader comes from second or third-hand sources. I expect the typical hard-core atheist doubts much of what is presented in those books. This book is different. It does not require the reader to believe anything I say. Instead, it dares the skeptical reader to investigate the evidence for himself using only secular sources and methods.
Fifty-Five Questions for Skeptics is actually a workbook containing a series of simple questions that require the reader to think for himself and do research. I chose to focus on the biblical prophecies of the return of the people of Israel to their homeland, because it was fulfilled in modern times and the skeptic has no ammunition against. When Christians point to other prophecy fulfillments such as the birth of Christ, His death and resurrection, or others, the skeptic usually falls back on one of several convenient excuses:
- “The prophecies were written after the events happened.”
- “The prophecies were written vaguely. They can be interpreted to mean anything.”
- “The fulfillments were coincidental, the result of random chance.”
- “The prophecies were purposely fulfilled to make the Bible seem true.”
- “The Bible writers lied about the fulfillments.”
These excuses will not work with the fulfillment of the prophecies of Israel’s return. The reader will discover this as he goes through the questions and does his research.
This is a very short book—31 pages, of which only 13 contain the questions. But it is not an easy read: it takes time and effort to go through it. I expect this will reduce the audience to a relative few, because most people prefer to rely on what others say. I do not force-feed answers to the questions or try to indoctrinate the reader in any way. In the end, the reader can come up with his own conclusions on the evidence he has found.
I’ve said it before: evangelism does not save anyone. God must do the work on each man’s heart to grant repentance and faith. But God does use evangelism, for he gave some to be evangelists. There is not one method that reaches all. Some people come to Christ through friendship evangelism that wouldn’t listen to a hell-fire street preacher. Others come through a hell-fire preacher that wouldn’t through friendship evangelism. Still others find Christ through books and biographies. Each person is different. This book targets a specific set of people who are closed to the typical methods of sharing Christ. I don’t expect many will go through the workbook, do the research, and answer the questions, but if just one person comes to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, it’s worth it.
A free PDF of the contents of this book can also be downloaded from my books page.
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