January 2014 Update
My posts have been sporadic lately, but that’s kinda normal for me. Writing still doesn’t come easy. But I do have some more posts in the works.
I haven’t abandoned the Church Impossible series of posts. I have the next one mostly finished, but there are some other things in the works that I think are more important, so it might be a while before you see the series continue.
I am putting together a personal apologetic where I give my own intellectual reasons for belief in God and the inspiration of the Bible. It’s something I’ve been meaning to do for a long time, and I’m finally getting around to it. This will initially be released as a series of posts, but when complete, I’ll make an all-in-one version.
I’m also writing an expanded version of Victory Over Sin to replace the existing work. This will also be available as a free book, downloadable as a PDF and probably in various e-pub formats. This is mostly finished.
Lastly, I’ve started working on some new mazes in my free time. The last one I drew was way back in 1996. I have a small one that is mostly finished, and a larger one just started based on van Gogh’s Starry Night. I plan this one to be a “12-in-one” maze. You’ll see what that means if and when I finish it.
That’s all for now!
Van Gogh’s drawings along with other artists of his era are currently on display here in New Mexico – Santa Fe, specifically… -. This is the only location in the US where they will be displayed. Looking forward to your maze based on his work. Always a joy to read YOUR work. Have fun!