Website Changed to WordPress
As you can see, I’ve changed the website again. The main URL is still the same, but now I’m running under WordPress rather than my half-baked home-brew kludge. This will allow me to easily organize and maintain the site and concentrate more on posting.
Virtually all of the old material (over 1.3 megabytes) has been transfered to the new site and is listed on the right side of this page. Most of the HTML has been cleaned up, but some pages still need work (notably the Discipleship Class notes). There are also some broken links to outside sites that need fixing. If you notice any glitches, just let me know.
I am also in the final stages of self-publishing my book, Seeing Jesus – A Disciple’s Perspective. I’m just waiting for the final proofreader’s inputs, then I’ll publish it through Amazon’s CreateSpace website.
Website Changed to WordPress — No Comments
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