(From a message given January 22, 2023 at Beatty Baptist Church) Do you remember the relief we felt after the last elections were over? All the mud-slinging political ads came to an end, and ever since, we’ve had peace and harmony between people of all political persuasions… well, not really. That would have been nice. But at least we have a reprieve from those very annoying political advertisements. Most of those ads didn’t serve any purpose except to defame the character of the opposing candidates. Each candidate maligned the others. And if they did’t speak outright lies, they certainly didn’t tell the whole truth: so-and-so raised taxes, so-and-so made cuts to education or law enforcement, …and the context – why …Continue reading →
I was a teenager in the cold war era back in the 1970’s. Because of the threat of nuclear war with the Soviet Union, end-times prophecy was a hot topic among Christians. There were movies about end-times events such as A Thief In The Night. There were books like The Late, Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey. Many of these movies and books attempted to interpret current events as signs that the great tribulation and the return of Jesus Christ were just about to happen. Maybe they were correct in some of their interpretations, but they weren’t correct all the time. They made a lot of assumptions. For example, Revelation 9:13-18 speaks of an army of 200 million horsemen who …Continue reading →
(From a message in the Parables of Jesus series, given October 16, 2022 at Beatty Baptist Church) It happened, that when he finished praying in a certain place, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John also taught his disciples.” – Luke 11:1 Jesus prayed many times in the gospels. He would talk to His Father frequently because His relationship to His Father was the top priority in His life. And something about the way He prayed stirred up a desire in His disciples to have that same kind of prayer life. It wasn’t about praying with eloquence, power or effectiveness. They saw the relationship Jesus had with His Father, and they wanted …Continue reading →
(From a message given October 2, 2022 at Beatty Baptist Church) In Matthew chapter 18, Jesus taught His disciples what to do if a brother sins against them. In verse 15 He said to show him his fault privately, and if he listens—if he repents, he’s gained his brother back: the relationship is restored. If he doesn’t listen, then take one or two others who witnessed the offense and try again. If he still doesn’t listen, tell it to the church, and if that doesn’t work, treat him as a Gentile or tax collector. Considering how Jesus treated Gentiles and tax collectors, that pretty much ruled out bad mouthing the guy, taking him to court, or getting some kind of …Continue reading →
(From a message given August 21, 2022 at Beatty Baptist Church) Jesus calls us to love one another—to love our neighbors, and to love our enemies. Our Lord did not leave it up to us to define who our neighbors or enemies are, nor did He leave it up to us to define what loving them means. If left to ourselves, we might define love as not wishing someone harm, or doing a minimum amount of good to someone. But that is worldly love. God’s love is different. It is not merely the absence of hate. In the Bible, love is of the heart and it spontaneously displays itself in actions… extravagant actions, because it genuinely cares for the other …Continue reading →
(From a message given February 13, 2022 at Beatty Baptist Church) In Matthew 16, verse 5 and following, Jesus warned His disciples of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees: And when His disciples had come to the other side, they had forgotten to take bread. Then Jesus said to them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have taken no bread. But Jesus, being aware of it, said to them, O you of little faith, why do you reason among yourselves because you have brought no bread? Do you not yet understand, or remember the five loaves of the five thousand and how …Continue reading →
(From a message given November 28, 2021 at Beatty Baptist Church) The Parable—Matthew 20:1-16 The parables of Jesus are short stories that use analogies to teach about real things. Jesus spoke in parables to conceal the meaning from those He knew would not accept it (such as the crowds in general), and to reveal the meaning to those He knew who would (such as His disciples). The parable we’re about to look at was intended for His disciples. It’s found in Matthew chapter 20, beginning in verse 1: For the kingdom of Heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. And when he had agreed with the laborers for a …Continue reading →
(From a message given October 24, 2021 at Beatty Baptist Church) Have you ever lost something important, spent a lot of time searching for it, and after reaching your frustration limit, finally pray about it? …then you find it almost right away? That’s happened to me multiple times. Whenever I lose my keys, they usually remain lost until I pray about them. For example, once I lost my keys and couldn’t find them. They’re important, because they included my work keys. After a disappointing two week search, it occurred to me I hadn’t prayed about them. So, I asked God to show me where they were. Less than three minutes later, my mind on something else, I went into the …Continue reading →
(From a message given October 10, 2021 at Beatty Baptist Church) The Parable—Matthew 13:24-30 We’re looking at the parables of Jesus. Jesus told parables to both hide truth and reveal truth. They provided a way for seed to be sown without being rejected immediately. This is how Nathan’s rebuke to David worked. He first told a parable before confronting David with his sin. This prepared David’s heart, and he repented. David Guzik wrote: “…the parables of Jesus were not illustrations making difficult things clear to all. They presented God’s message so the spiritually sensitive could understand, but the hardened would merely hear a story without heaping up additional condemnation for rejecting God’s Word.” The first part of Matthew chapter 13 …Continue reading →
(From a message given September 5, 2021 at Beatty Baptist Church) The parable we’re about to look at is found in in Matthew chapter 13, Mark chapter 4 and Luke chapter 8. It’s considered the first of Jesus’ parables, not because He spoke it first, but because it’s the one which shows us how to understand everything else Jesus taught. What is a parable? It’s a simple, easy-to-remember story used to help us understand something that is real. The way it works is you take what is known and apply that knowledge to what is unknown. Jesus spoke in parables to teach the multitudes and His disciples about God. Jesus didn’t give them theological lectures describing the character and nature …Continue reading →